Thursday, December 30, 2010
CA State Board of Corrections Re-Certifies AJ Novick Group / Century Anger Management
Anger Management Certification Training information can be found at Century Anger Management
Corrections Standards Authority
December 30, 2010
Attention: Ari Novick, Ph.D.
Re: Annual Required Training Course Recertification
Course Title: Anger Management Professional Training and Certification
Certification Number: 3530-031088
Certification Date: 12/28/2010
The Standards and Training for Corrections Program has recertified your course listed above. The certification is valid for one year and is subject to the STC Policies and Procedures Manual. If you are using STC’s on-line system, your “course record” as approved by STC has now been posted to your Internet navigation screen.
Completed course rosters and evaluations must be mailed to the Corrections Standards Authority (formerly Board of Corrections) at the completion of each course presentation. If you do not have these forms, please e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at 916-445-5073.
This certification authorizes you to publicize the course as meeting the training requirements as set forth by the Corrections Standards Authority for counties participating in the Standards and Training for Corrections Program.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc. Anger Management Classes
Anger Class Online- Online Anger Management Classes
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
7 Key Ingredients to Forgiving through Anger Management Classes
For many people, forgiving is difficult because they have already cemented themselves in a grudge or grievance It is often hard to let go of a grudge. In many ways, grudges protect us, but they have one big downside, they do not allow us to let go and be free of the frustration. The skill of forgiveness can be gained by taking an anger management class or in a trusted online anger management course.
Anger management classes who include forgiveness as a skill will discuss several important ways this concept can be applied. For example, forgiveness is not a heads or tails issue (either you forgive or you don’t). Forgiveness can be broken into several steps such as:
1. You do not have to forgive all at once, it can be an slow process that happens over time.
2. You do not have to agree that what happened to you was “OK”, in fact, you can let the other person know how wrong they where, but then let go of your grievance.
3. Forgiving and trusting are separate issues. Trusting too quickly may be more of an indication of low worth. Forgiving can be happen quickly if you choose, but trusting takes time.
4. You can forgive a person, but it doesn’t mean you need to continue a relationship with them.
5. Forgiving is is a selfish concept as the forgiving is always for you. The bi-product of forgiveness is that the other person often feels better too knowing they’ve been forgiven.
6. Sometimes you forgive without saying anything at all. There are some people that might even be offended by your suggestion of forgiveness.
7. Forgive in baby steps. Eventually you’ll be able to let go.
We use forgiveness as a skill in anger management because by letting go of our pain and anger we no longer carry the rage along with us everywhere we go and every relationship we enter. Give it a try and see if you can let go too!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Anger Management Courses Aren't Just for the Court Ordered
The truth is that someone who is court ordered to attend an anger management classes is really no different than the client who is attending on their own. The variable that separates the two types of clients is that the person who is coming on their own just hasn't created a legal problem for themselves...yet.
I think that the embarrassment associated with attending anger management class is almost gone. Anger classes are a fantastic way to improve ones coping skills in a variety of areas he/she would have never been exposed to.
If you are court ordered or mandated to take a course, then the court will usually designate how long the classes should be, which are typically about 10-26 weeks, in most cases. If you are coming to classes for personal growth, then I would encourage about 8-12 courses to complete a quality program.
Court ordered classes can be completed both by in person anger management classes or by a quality online anger management class provider. Same rules apply, I would suggest taking the number of hours ordered by the court or an 8 to 12 hour online anger class.
So what should participants expect to learn? Anger management seminars live or online commonly teach skills in communication, stress management, forgiveness, empathy and emotional awareness, and improving judgment and impulse control.
There is no quick fix in gaining control over anger. Anger management is a skill that takes practice over time. The classes will commonly educate the client on the changes that need to made and the new skills that can be practiced.
So, how does one determine if they have an anger problem? Take our short online anger management assessment. In general, anger is a problem when it occurs frequently, with great intensity, and effects interpersonal relationships, work or school performance.
Getting help is couldn't be easier, take an anger management course today, before it's too late!
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Seven Reasons to Join Anger Class Online
Commonly Asked Questions about Anger Class Online's Online Anger Management Classes
1. How much do these online Anger Management classes cost?
Our online anger classes change in price and the cost depends on which course you would like to take. Our standard 8 hour/session class costs $195.00, our 12 hour/session anger management class costs $245.00. We also offer 16, 26, 36 and 52 hour/session classes online. Most of the classes increase in fee as you purchase more hours or sessions and the prices are listed in the payment section when you register. We offer competitively priced classes that are about 1/2 the cost of a live in person program.
2. Can I take these classes for a Court or Legal Requirement?
Locating a well respected or geographically desirable anger management class is often frustrating. While many people take our programs for self development or personal growth, our courses are frequently used and accepted for court ordered or legal requirements. We always recommend seeking approval before starting any distance learning anger course.
3. Is a Certificate of Completion Awarded for this Class?
After successful completion of the class you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion which you submit to the referring organization. Our certificate of completion will state the hour and session class you completed along with your name, date of birth, case information, address and unique certificate verification number. Our courses are ideal for court requirements or personal growth
4. How Fast Can the Programs be Completed?
Our online anger management classes are do not have a time limit to complete, so you can finish at your own pace 24/7. You can complete as much or as little as you wish each time you log in/out. Our special software keeps track of your progress, so you never have to stress about losing work. After you log out, when you log back in you resume right where you left off. Our online anger programs are comprehensive, yet convenient and affordable.
5. Can I take this Class on Any Computer I wish?
You may access our online anger management course from any personal computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Our online anger class works on any web-browsers as well as Mac and PC's. You can use Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox.
6. Do I have to Pass an Exam in Order to Pass the Anger Class and Receive My Certificate?
First off, don't worry! Our criteria is the same regardless of where you live. While we do have a comprehensive final exam at the end of the program, the final exam can be taken an unlimited amount of times until you pass. You will only need a 70% or higher to pass the final exam.
7. Are you Verified and Approved by the Better Business Bureau?
Yes, if you click on the BBB link on our Anger Class Online website, it will take you to the BBB website that outlines information about our corporation. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau for a reason. We provide a quality program and stand behind our satisfaction guarantee. Go with a name you can trust for Anger Management Classes, Anger Class Online!
Monday, November 22, 2010
4 Useful Anger Management Tips for the Holidays
There is a common myth that has circulated over the years that other people can "make us" behave badly. That position is obviously flawed because by taking it we essentially are blaming anything we do wrong on the other person, thus making our actions the responsibility of others. While our emotions might be hard to control, we always have control over how we want to respond and react to any given situation. And, by the way, being in a bad mood or having a bad day doesn't give anyone the right to behave horribly towards others.
Here are a few anger management tips that can be gained in any quality anger management class:
1. Learn to be a better communicator of your feelings and wants. Most people really have a hard time with this simple change. They tend to behave aggressively and don't know how to explain to others what is really going on emotionally or what they need from the other person in order for them to change. Learning how to be assertive is a skill easily acquired in a quality online anger management class or in person anger course.
2. Gain skills in Stress Management. Gaining skills in stress management can make you feel better and not snap as easily. Simple techniques in stress management include getting regular exercise, eating appropriately, meditating, and getting adequate sleep. Stress is often viewed as a silent killer. We can't see all the destruction stress causes internally to our physical body or psychologically. If you don't have good coping skills for stress management, these can also be learned in a trusted anger management course.
3. Learn how to Forgive and Let go. By learning how to forgive, we let go of a lot of emotional baggage that we carry around. Forgiving isn't just good for your psychological health, but also has helps physical health too. You don't have to forget what happened, but by learning to let go, you free yourself of the emotional suffering carried by holding a grudge or not forgiving someone in your life.
4. Gain skills in Empathy. Most people who suffer with anger lack good skills in emotional intelligence. Empathy is important because it connects us with others and lets others know we can feel what they are feeling. Lack of empathy causes problems in almost all interpersonal interactions and creates significant impairment in non personal situations such as being put on hold while on the telephone. Again, these skills can be learned in a quality anger management program.
Don't let your anger create problems any longer. Anger is one emotion we all emote, but letting our anger control our lives can erode meaningful relationships. Find a certified or licensed anger management class, and get the help you need.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Find out How Many Anger Management Classes you Need!
1. Court Mandated Anger Management Classes: If the court has instructed you to take an anger management class, then they usually determine the length, such as an 8 session anger management class or 16 session anger management class. Sometimes courts will mandate classes all the way up to 52 sessions, depending on the circumstances of the offence. If the Judge does not specify the length, then it is usually up to the the anger management professional to decide how long the course should last.
2. Self Referred Anger Management Classes: If you have taken it upon yourself to register for an anger management class, then the provider will usually tell you how long of a class they recommend. Most anger management programs are about 8-12 sessions/hours in duration. Some instructors will require a pre-assessment at the beginning of the anger class to let you know areas of strength and weakness. This is sometimes helpful to determine which areas should be the point of focus during the class. Those clients in a group class or online class could also consider a quality and quickly scored online anger management class assessment The results may also help guide you in better understanding the severity of your anger. While the pre and post tests are helpful, ultimately taking a ongoing anger management class would be recommended regardless of the outcome. Anger classes cover tools that almost anyone can immediately benefit from, even if there are areas that you already possess a high degree of skill.
3. Work or Significant other Referrals: Sometimes ones employer may refer the employee to an anger management class due to an employee exhibiting inappropriate behavior. Classes can be taken in a variety of ways including a group, weekly, 1/1 anger coaching or through a high quality online class. Similarly, spousal referrals sometimes refer their partners to anger management due problems in the relationship that have caused distress. Similar to the self-referred customer, most anger management classes run about eight to twelve sessions total. While more classes might be helpful, most curricula can be completed in this length of time.
Anger management is a journey in self-awareness and change. Anger can erode and destroy the most meaningful of relationships. Classes are easily found on the internet but choose a quality and trusted anger class online site or find a local provider in your area.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What will Mismanaged Anger Cost You?
To articulate this point, think for a moment you are really upset and hurt at your spouse, friend, family member or someone that you really care about. In a moment of anger, you say or do some things that you really regret. It might take hours, days, weeks or even years to repair the damage from what you have done. The costs are both emotional and physical and the outcome usually effects our credibility with the other person as well as our trust.
Now on the back side, imagine if you used the skills you may have learned from anger control classes and took the time needed to either communicate better, use more emotional intelligence, or simply take a time out from the situation. You may have been able to resolve it quickly. From an economic standpoint, you have saved yourself an immeasurable amount of time because you don't have to deal with all the problems that come from behaving badly.
Gaining skills in anger management is a cost savings on a number of levels. It's not about the money, its about the cost of your relationships with other loved ones. Don't let your anger devastate another relationship that might be incredibly meaningful to you. Take an anger control class or an online anger management class and gain skills before you loose what means the most to you.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Gain Skills in Empathy through Anger Management Courses
People with high degrees of emotional intelligence tend to be better leaders, do better at work and school and have more intimate relationships. Those who lack empathy tend to have all sorts of problems. Problems might include low levels of intimacy, a history of poor relationships (including friendships), and lack of compassion for others feelings, wants or needs.
Skills in empathy are critical because we are able to use this skills to connect better with others. emotional intelligence as a skill helps us to see things from another persons emotional viewpoint as well as their mental one. When we feel "felt" by another, we tend to not get as hurt or disappointed. Empathy helps aid in lowering our anger response and relating to the person we are speaking to.
Common problems with having empathy toward others are often caused by using filters. Filters are what is used when we listen but have an answer already running in our own mind. Filters also cause us to hear things differently than what is being said. When we learn how to stop our filters, we tend to show more empathy toward other people.
Empathy can be learned by first understanding it, then repeating it. It takes time to become more empathetic, but anyone can learn how to do this. As ones' empathy goes up, the feeling of anger and frustration will go down. All skills learned in anger management course or online anger management class.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Can an Anger Management Class Really Help?
The concern with those studies is most people who take anger management programs are not violent offenders and lead normal lives. There are other studies which can be found on the web but only offer data from their own private practice setting, which really isn't valid. This is mostly due to the fact that there is no way to prove the validity of it. Most anger management professionals, no matter how great or successful their practices are, don't have the funds or staff to conduct proper research.
That being said, much can be ascertained from what hundreds or even thousands of previous patients have reported. After providing thousands of pre and post tests and interviewing countless students of anger management, the number one predictor of success in anger management is achieved from a clients overall level of motivation. That is to say, does the client want to change? Think about it, if one doesn't want to change, change will likely not occur. Those who are highly motivated to learn, tend to do better and hold on to the information being taught longer.
The second predictor of success in anger management is a course that focuses on proven tools. Anger classes should cover skills in the following:
1. Skills in Stress Management
2. Gaining skills in Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
3. Learning to respond instead of React
4. Changing ones internal dialog from negative to positive
5. Learning skills in Assertive Communication
6. Expectation management
7. Forgive but don't forget
8. Learning to Retreat and take Time out
The type of the anger management class is less important then the content or delivery method. Clients report the same or similar results from attending live anger management classes as they do from individual coaching for anger management or online anger management classes. The delivery method is a personal choice. Some prefer the face to face courses, while other prefer to take classes at their own pace on their own time.
Anger management is not something that happens overnight. Gaining skills and sustaining change takes time. Those who are working on their own anger control need to adjust their own expectations that learning new skills and perfecting them is a timeless road.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Five Simple Tips for Anger Control for Men and Women
There is no "quick fix" in anger management. Learning to better control our temper takes both time and energy . Anger management is skill based, and practice is the key to success . Just like getting better at golf, tennis, or math, repetition is paramount for creating and retaining new and improved ways of dealing with anger and stress.
Here are a five simple tips that have helped thousands of previous participants . Reading of them just creates awareness, but learning them will take much more
1. Improve communication and listening skills . Almost 80% of communication is non verbal. Communication is learned, therefore we can learn new and improved ways to getting our point across without hurting others .
2. Gain stress management skills . Simple life adjustments such as getting more sleep, eating correctly , and getting more exercise can make a huge difference in how one feels .
3. Improve empathy towards others. Those that have more empathy report improved relationships with others and a stronger sense of well being.
4. Forgive . Skills in forgiveness give us the ability to let go and not hold on to anger.
5. Take time-outs. an oldie but a goodie . Learn the proper way to take a time out from attending a professional anger management course
Anger management is a personal journey to improve interpersonal skills and better our relationships . Anger can often have lasting and damaging effects on others. Learning anger management tips may not be enough . Taking and successfully completing anger class would be an excellent first step in moving towards the sobriety of anger control .
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Recent Bureau of Justice data shows that over half a million victims of workplace violence lose over 1.8 million workdays a year, at a cost of 55 million a year . Americans need anger management now, more than ever. In the workplace, anger control problems not only damage the moral of other employees, and also create an environment where employees don't feel safe which reduces productivity .
Historically , anger in the workplace was viewed as a personal issue . It was something the employee had to deal with on their own. If the employee was lucky , their employer had an EAP program they could refer them too for help . More progressive employers who are cutting edge, will seek out their own anger management training for employees. This preventative intervention is an fantastic cost savings to the company and has lasting benefits to the employee.
First off , the cost to train an employee in anger management is extremely minimal . The second benefit of training employees in anger control is that the company will be less likely to face litigation as a result of an employers bad behavior . Companies will also experience improved moral, less days off, and increased productivity.
Anger control classes can be taken in a variety of settings. From specially designed corporate online anger management programs, to live in person anger management courses. If you are heading up human resources or are in charge of training for a company , consider the risks vs. the benefits of anger management training. The decision to train staff is an easy one.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Parents Need Anger Management Too!
Most parents know that behavior is learned. Where do we acquire skills? Well, you guessed it, from our own primary caregivers. Our children learn on how we respond and react to them. We are teaching them how to exist in the world under pressure, stress and various situations simply by watching us. Some of this happens consciously, while some of it happens without them even knowing it!
We often refer to kids having "sponges" for brains. They take in everything, and quickly. Language acquisition skills are at the peak between the time we are born and about 8 years of age. This is why children who grow up in multi-lingual environments can acquire several languages at once, but older children or adults have a much more difficult time.
Parents who do not have good anger management skills can benefit greatly from taking an anger management class specifically designed for parents. Parents who improve their skills in anger management get two benefits. One, they will be better equipped to not behave badly with with their kids when feeling angry, and 2, their kids also gain skills in handling feelings of displeasure.
Skills specific to educating parents how to better manage anger can be taught either in a live anger management program or in a anger class just for parents taught online. There is no need to wait, skills for anger management can be gained and changes can be made almost immediately. Don't let you or your children suffer, the skills you need are a click away!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Anger Management Embraces Celebrities along with the Rest of the Nation
Most recently, Montana Fishburne has checked herself in for anger management treatment . Gaining skills to better control irrational behavior has gone totally mainstream. What does this say about our society ? Have we become more hostile ? Are we simply just becoming more comfortable with recognizing it and getting help?
Anger management classes or counseling has become one of the most sought out interventions for those seeking to improve relationship skills. Relationship skills include areas such as increased empathy for others, reducing stress, improving communication, better managing expectations, learning to forgive others and improving judgment and impulse control .
No longer does the general public at large view anger as bad, dirty, or for the "out of control". Anger management should be taught in every educational setting starting in elementary school . Improvement in the aforementioned areas can make life more pleasant because the quality of our relationships with others is improved.
The quality of a relationship can often be evaluated by our behavior vs. what we say. While words are meaningful, our actions say much more. Those with anger problems tend to behave in a way that insults , attacks or intimidates others. While most will never "master anger", anger can be controlled by learning several simply skills that can be gained in either a live physical class or through online anger management classes.
Regardless of the reason, if you think your anger has adversely affected someone you think you love or even liked a lot, get the help you need to day. A simple "google" search will likely yield many possibilities.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Anger Management for the Hot Tempered Rage-o-Holic
Even someone with a horrible temper can learn anger management techniques to stay calm, cool and collected in difficult situations. Anger management classes will teach participants very specific coping skills to behave better. These courses eventually teach participants how to better behave when a situation occurs that triggers their anger. The real goal is to improve coping skills so that the default reaction is positive and constructive.
Even those that are court ordered to take an anger management class will benefit from learning new skills. The main issue is keeping and staying motivated to change. Sometimes the issue in staying motivated is simply keeping up with weekly classes. The alternative of course is taking an online anger management class. The advantage to an online course would be the convenience and staying anonymous as well as being able to work at your own pace and schedule.
Taking ownership of an anger problem is the first step in recovery. Until one owns their own anger management problem, they will continue to blame those around them. They often feel others are the reason they behaved badly. A good quality anger management class will teach the participant to take ownership of his/her own anger and bad behavior.
It really doesn't matter how old or young one is. Anger classes can be taken by anyone, at anytime in their lives. Don't allow your rage or angry flair ups to cause any more damage. Get started in a class now!
The beauty of gaining skills to control anger is that they are behavioral changes, not changes to your personality or temperament. Behaving differently is simply a choice. Anger management can help.
Friday, September 10, 2010
College Administration Embraces Anger Management
1. As part of risk management for the University or College
2. As part of a disciplinary action, requiring the student to take the class to return to school
Anger Class Online provides various options in gaining skills in anger management using their world class online courses that are convenient, cost effective, and results oriented. For most college students , finding and attending a weekly class can be extremely difficult. This can be due in part to finding a class near by or finding classes that are at times that do not conflict with school . Often, school counseling centers do not have the ability or staff to provide anger management services .
Anger Class Online offers several length classes that college students can use to help meet either a mandatory requirement or simply for personal growth . College administrators also have a unique option to oversee the progress of a particular student by buying the class using our "corporate packages" section of our website. This corporate area is ideal for supervisors, or other high level administrator to watch or monitor a particular students progress in the online anger management class.
Students can expect to learn skills in empathy, assertive communication, expectation management, forgiveness, stress management, improving judgment and impulse control, improving self-talk, and much more.
Students who are local can also come to a live in person class here at our corporate office, or simply register for our online anger management class alternative.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Anger Management Classes: How to Get the Most for your Money?
In general, rather than just simply shopping anger management programs for price, shop them for quality, expertise, experience, years in business, and program format. We have seen live anger management classes range from $20 a class session all the way up to $65 a class session. With online anger management classes, the price is more difficult to determine because prices are usually listed for the TOTAL cost of the class and not by class session. In general, if an 8 week class were to cost $35 per session, the total cost of the class would be $280.00 plus an enrollment free and possibly a material fee. This might make the class cost $350 total. In contrast a quality online anger management class might cost closer to $10-$20 a class session. In this case, an 8 hour online anger management class might cost about $195.00 making it a better value overall, but a totally different experience.
So, how do you get the most value for your money? Simply decide which format you want to take, either live or online, then decide what amount seems reasonable to you. Ask yourself the questions we posted above regarding quality, expertise, experience, years in business, and program format and you should be able to make a good informed decision.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Anger Management Expert, Dr. Ari Novick featured on CNN News
While some of the panel members argued the flight attendant did the right thing by fighting back against a rude passenger by making this “statement” , most would agree it his behavior was totally inappropriate.
While venting feels extremely good in the moment, it often has a huge cost. In the case of Mr. Slater, the Jet Blue flight attendant, he not only lost his job, but is now under investigation with criminal charges pending.
Flight attendants are under an enormous amount of stress, and this incident speaks loudly and clearly for airlines to put their flight attendants through anger management classes and training.
Flight attendance simply do not get trained in how to better manage their own stress more effectively. Prevention is key. We gladly invite the FAA to contact our agency to discuss how such training could be implemented.
Information about his anger management training or online anger management classes for employees
Monday, July 26, 2010
Anger Management Classes Online- Tools and Strategies at your Finger Tips
One of the beauties of living in a technical age is that information is at our finger tips. Now, more than ever, the ability to access good information and get help is easier than it's ever been in history. The barrier to entry to learn skills in anger management has never been easier either.
Anger management is a class that teaches some very specific skills to help change thinking and behavior. Some of the most effective tools for making these types of changes can be learned by the following:
1. Learning to communicate assertively
2. Becoming more empathic towards others
3. Learning to respond to situations rather than reacting
4. Gaining skills in expectation management
5. Understanding stress and learning to manage it appropriately
6. Becoming a person that can forgive others
7. Improving optimism and self-talk
8. Learning how to take time-outs and cool down
The above anger management strategies can be effective if the participant learns how to incorporate these skills into everyday life. Anger management can be learned effectively both in an online format or in a live format. In one study, found in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, compared the use of both a live program with that of a teleconferencing course with results showing outcomes were identical.
So, there is no excuse for not getting the help needed. Good information and anger management classes online can be started immediately, or a quality in person anger management class can be found in almost any major city in the United States. Don't let anger ruin another important relationships. Learn anger management skills, techniques and strategies today.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Anger management classes could SAVE your marriage
Here are some common signals that it might be time to take an anger management class to help save your marriage:
1. Your partner feels the need to lie to you for fear you might blow up if you told the truth
2. Disagreements escalate quickly and easily even regarding the most mundane topics
3. Your partner has told you that if it weren’t for having kids s/he would leave you
4. Your partner has asked you to move out or leave due to your angry outbursts
5. Your children are scared of you
6. Your partner is scared of you
7. You are unable to make positive changes to your interactions despite how hard you try
8. You have already been court required to take an anger management class
9. You feel out of control and often lack the ability to do the right thing when you do get upset
10. Other loved ones complain about your anger and no longer seek your friendship or time
So before you go and throw in the towel, take a quality anger management course from a well trained, licensed or certified provider. It could make all the difference as to whether your marriage survives or fails.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Online Anger Management Classes from Anger Class Online™ Continue to Gain Acceptance as a Legitimate form of Distance Learning Education
Anger Class Online™ was founded in 2006. Since that time, they have provided distance learning education in the field of anger management to participants in every U.S. state in the nation as well as provided programs to residents in Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan.
While distance learning education programs are not new, they are relatively new to the field of anger management. “Acceptance of these programs has grown tremendously in the last 4 years”, states Dr. Ari Novick, founder of Anger Class Online™ . “What we’ve experienced is courts all over the nation requesting our materials and requests to demo our online anger management courses”, says Dr. Novick. “A physical class just can’t be the only way to learn anger management skills, and not everyone can attend a physical class due to limitations or restrictions they have either physically, emotionally, or financially”, he continues.
Anger Class Online™ will gladly provide a course preview to any attorney, judge, human resource or court official who would like a demonstration of one of the most comprehensive and professionally developed online anger management class program.
For more information please visit or
Monday, July 05, 2010
How Can an Online Anger Management Class help You?
For many, an online anger management class is a viable alternative to a traditional class due to the convenience, affordability, and depending on the provider, the quality. A quality online anger management class will incorporate a well known curriculum, such as the Century Anger Management model of intervention. It will also provide a truly interactive experience ensuring comprehension of the material through the use of short quizzes, instructional videos, instructor interaction, and client exercises and the completion of a comprehensive exam.
Here are some of the questions and results taken from our online anger management class participants. On a scale from 0-10 (10 being best):
1. How would you rate the learning experience? Result: 9.5
2. How would you compare this online class to other classes in terms of helpfulness? Result: 9.0
3. How would rate the customer service and instructor support? Result: 9.5
4. Do you feel you better understand how to appropriately express anger and manage stress? Result: 9.2
5. Did this course meet your expectations? Result: 9.8
6. Would you recommend this class to a friend or family member? Result: 9.3
7. How would you rate the usefulness of the course? Result: 9.5
8 How would rate the clarity and ease of use of the program? Result: 9.8
We have continually refined our online program to meet the ever changing demands of our clients. If you or someone you know is struggling with an anger problem, an anger management class might be a great choice. Both live and online programs have their distinct advantages and disadvantages, but we can ensure that courses offered by Anger Class Online will be nothing but exceptional for personal growth or for a court ordered requirement.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.- Anger Management
Anger Class Online- Online Anger Management Classes
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Anger Management Classes: Your Guide to Understanding these Programs
1. Does the program use a quality curriculum that has been used or approved by any governmental agency?
2. Is the course offered by a licensed or professional certified anger management provider?
3. If you’re looking at an online anger management class, don’t just shop for price, look at what the programs consists of and who is offering it. Does the program and format look to be of substance?
4. How long has the organization been in business and do they have any testimonials from previous clients?
5. Does the program cover skills in the following areas: Assertive communication, stress management, expectation management, empathy, improving judgment and impulse control, taking time outs, forgiveness, learning to respond instead of react, increasing skills in optimism?
6. Can the program credentials be verified?
7. Are there metrics to understand what is going to be learned?
8. Do they provide quality customer care and is the administrator of the program readily available?
9. If for a court or legal requirement, make sure the program is acceptable in your county or state
10. Go with your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, look at another program.
The journey to gaining skills in anger management is a life long lesson, but finding the right foundation can make all the difference.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc. Anger Management Classes
Monday, June 21, 2010
AJ Novick Group, Inc., Free Online Anger Management Assessment is a Huge Success
Dr. Ari Novick, president of the AJ Novick Group, Inc. and founder of Anger Class Online says, “we have already had several hundred participants utilize our free anger assessment, with results varying .” says Novick. He continues, “while the results of the assessment do not substitute psychological or medical advice, they do give the participant some idea as to whether taking an anger management class would be beneficial or not”.
The AJ Novick Group, Inc is a recognized leader in the field of anger management. They provide in person programs as well as online anger management classes, anger management coaching, and on-site training.
For more information please visit or
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Online Anger Management Classes- New Client Testimonials for court ordered and personal growth
The following testimonials just came in today.
1. "This was very good program! I learned many valuable lesson once forgotten. Thank you for the future life lessons and the way to deal with anger. I will recommend this program to anyone in need of anger management. Jeff H.- Fenton, MO
2. "Dr. Novick, this online anger management class has inspired me to become a better person. I learned skills in your class I never knew existed. Not only did your completion certificate gain acceptance from the judge in our case, he also asked to review the program for future clients to take. Thank you for offering such a valuable service online. Douglas B.- Atlanta, GA
3. "Your class was awesome. It totally changed my life. It was so well put together and easy to understand. My family for the first time notices a positive change in the way I handle myself. Thanks again Dr. Novick for such a great online anger management class" Johnny P.- New York, NY
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc. Anger Management
Anger Class Online - Online Anger Management Classes
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Master the 8 Tools of Anger Control!
This model is used by trained Century Anger Management facilitators throughout the United States and in 5 foreign countries around the world. Participants of these programs can expect to gain skills to better improve their anger and stress management. This model has been adapted for use in weekly group sessions, one/one anger management coaching, couples anger management, on-site training for large or small corporations as well as innovative online anger management classes.
This approach uses well written client materials with most interventions having empirical data to support their success. Programs typically include an assessment evaluation and other ancillary material to provide a high quality learning experience to the consumer.
Anger management in a journey in self-improvement. It is not something that just happens by thinking about changing or by a miracle. Learning to better manage and control ones anger comes from being exposed to a innovative and easy to understand approach and continued practice of these new skills.
Don’t wait until your anger has ruined or destroyed another important relationship. Get the help you need by learning about anger management classes or even taking an online anger management class today.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
3 quick Stress Management Tips for Anger Management
Tip 1: Getting regular exercise. While this might seem so intuitive, it is often overlooked by so many people. Unless you have a medical condition that prohibits exercise or your doctor says "no", getting exercise has almost instant stress relieving properties. My favorite kind of exercise is anything that is fun! Just make sure its 30 minutes or longer and cardiovascular.
Tip 2: Sleep. Sounds easy right? Not really. Lack of sleep causes irritability and a decrease tolerance to life stressors. Most adults need about 7-8 hours a night. If your not getting enough rest, you might find yourself getting upset faster and behaving worse than you normally do. Regular and consistent sleep can be a huge step towards stress management and anger management.
Tip 3: Diet. Believe it or not, diet does effect our stress levels. For example, caffeine is like adding fuel to the fire when we are trying to reduce stress. It mimics the stress response in the body and reduces our ability to tolerate normal situations. By watching our caffeine intake we can greatly reduce the physical and psychological symptoms of stress.
For more information on learning stress management techniques taught in our anger management classes visit our website or call our office at 949 715-2694
Friday, May 07, 2010
Congratulations to Siskiyou County Sheriff's Department
Information on anger management training can be found on our website or by calling 714-745-1393 or 949 715-2694
Why Choose Century Anger Management for Professional Anger Management Certification Training?
Some organizations warn that if consumers are trained by anyone else but them, they are not legitimate or credible. Wouldn't it seem ridiculous that only one program in the entire world could produce a well trained anger management provider? Of course not. Consumers should make their choice of anger management training by reviewing the program content, not marketing propaganda by other organizations. Clearly there is room for various models of anger management intervention, just as there is room for varies models of psychotherapy, medicine and other interventions.
Actually, consumers should look around and pick a training model that best fits their particular clients. Following is a list of reasons why we believe the Century Anger Management Model should be strongly considered:
1. It was developed by two experienced psychotherapists, both with Ph.D. degrees, and both licensed by the state of California to practice. This is important because anger management involves an array of clinical skills, both in assessment and practice. The 40-hour training program they developed includes many modules based on their research, education, and training. This ensures the best possible background for those doing anger management individually or in classes or groups.
2. Century Anger Management is very user-friendly. We will support you during your training and after you have been certified. We answer all emails and all phone calls. We value our providers and do everything we can to keep providers current in our model of anger management. Our certification is valid for two years- with very inexpensive continuing education after that.
3. We have now trained hundreds of providers in California and elsewhere. While we can't claim that we are the biggest anger management training company yet, we are growing and we try harder. Our model is used by many large organizations such as the Salvation Army, numerous Probation Departments, military installations, and County Mental Health Systems, and approved by the CA State Board of Corrections to train probation, parole and correctional officers.
4. We offer two ways you can become certified - through Live Training or through our new home-study program. This makes it flexible and convenient for both local people and people across the country who can benefit from our model without having to fly to California to be trained.
5. Unlike most other training organizations in anger management, we offer many free resources to providers and consumers alike, to help people with their anger issues. This includes free newsletters, podcasts, articles, and other resource materials.
More information at
Friday, April 23, 2010
Do you need an Anger Management Class?
One you have determined that an anger management program would be appropriate, the next step would be to better understand what you’ll learn. Most anger management programs cover skills in stress management, assertive communication, expectation management, empathy, forgiveness, improving self-talk and optimism and taking time-outs. Participants can expect to learn these skills using a structured program which usually involves having a client workbook present for each session and home work assignments between sessions. .
Anger management classes can be take either in person in a group setting or in an online anger course. Classes can also be taken in a one/one format as well as in weekend accelerated workshops.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.
949 715-2694
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Anger Class Online® the right choice for Online Anger Management Classes
Whether you have a court ordered requirement, a requirement for continued employment or simply for personal growth, Anger Class Online® is the right choice.
Contact our office for more information or download our brochure and pass it on. To register or to learn more visit at
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc. Anger Management
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Make Anger Management a Part of Your Every Day Life
So, where can one learn these skills? Anger management can be learned by taking a class. Anger management classes are typically offered by trained professionals with either certifications or licensed clinicians (such as Marriage and Family Therapists) who have a specialization in the field. These classes can be taken either in a group setting on a weekly basis, taken one/one in the form of coaching or as an online anger management class.
The manner in which the information is learned is a preference, depending on ones schedule and lifestyle. Anger can often have lasting and damaging effects on those you love. Anger tends to erode relationships with loved ones the most, such as children, spouses and family members. Don't let your anger ruin another relationship when these skills can be learned and integrated into ones life. Get started today!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Anger Management Firm, AJ Novick Group, Inc. selected to provide services for network TV
Dr. Novick states, “We were thrilled to be contacted by a large network TV program to provide anger management services”. Dr. Novick continues, “They explained that they had done an exhaustive search for the right fit for their clientele and decided on our agency”. “We were chosen due to our expertise in the field and previous experience working with high profile clients”, say Novick.
Starting March 20th, the AJ Novick Group, Inc. will be providing services for the network and will continue to do so for the unforeseen future. The AJ Novick Group, Inc is one of the nations leading authorities on anger management. Their structured curriculum is considered to be an industry standard and sought out by major corporations, probation departments, clinicians, human resources, and individuals.
For more information visit their website at or their online anger management class site at
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Getting Started in Anger Management Classes
Anger management classes are an excellent way to gain skills in a variety of areas such as assertive communication, emotional intelligence, stress management, improving judgment and impulse control, forgiveness, managing expectations, and much more.
The best way to find a an anger management class is to simply Google, "anger management classes, (then your city)", such as "Anger management classes, San Diego California". This should give a good listing of classes in your area. You can also find an anger management provider by visiting Century Anger Management and view their provider list.
If you know someone that needs to take a class, you can easily purchase a program as a gift. One great way to do this is to buy an online class that they can take from any location in the U.S. and from any computer. Anger Class Online is the most trusted and reliable resource for online anger management classes.
Another method is to suggest that both you and the other person attend together. This approach doesn't make the other person feel like the "identified patient" and believe it or not, you might learn something too!
Great information can be found at AJ Novick Group, Inc. regarding anger management classes and programs.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Century Anger Management Provider Success Story
Record week of classes for Los Angeles anger management agency
The agency services Los Angeles County by providing anger management course in Gardena, Santa Monica, Van Nuys and Pasadena.
Participants consist of self-referred community members, employees sent by human resources departments and court-ordered clients.
Daybreak continues to see a upswing in client referrals. Participants learn how to recognize anger triggers and stratergies that help minimize violent and aggressive outbursts.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc. Anger Management
Century Anger Management
Monday, March 15, 2010
2010 sets the bar for AJ Novick Group, Inc. / Century Anger Management

Century Anger Management (CAM) training enrollments for both our recent live in person certification training earlier this month, as well as our home study anger management professional certification trainings are at an all time high. Century Anger Management is also in negotiations with a major university overseas to provide one of our largest trainings ever! More to come as this develops. CAM is also re-certified by the California State Board of Corrections for the sixth year in a row.
The AJ Novick Group, Inc., which is Orange Counties premier southern California destination for quality and approved anger management programs will soon start to offer classes 3 days a week. This new class day is due to weekly classes filling up to capacity. Dr. Novick also offers one/one anger management coaching as well as on site corporate training.
Anger Class Online®, which is owned and operated by the AJ Novick Group, Inc. has become the most recognized and trusted online anger management class program available in a distance learning format. Their programs are the most widely accepted online courses available in the nation. Most recently, their courses are being evaluated by the Department of Human Services in Maryland. Anger Class Online affiliate program hits an all time high. This is a great opportunity for passive revenue if you have a website in a related field and want to monetize your website traffic.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.
949 715-2694
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Assertive Communication – An Anger Management Technique
The way we communicate or the style we use to communicate is often learned from much earlier experiences in our lives when our language skills were newly formed. Think about your family’s style of communication for a moment. Is your style similar to any of theirs? Most of us tend to communicate in a way that was adaptive in the environment we grew up, but problematic in our lives today. For many of us, our style of communication can leave us with unmet needs, unexpressed emotion, and damaging effects on those around us. It is important to understand that there are many different communication styles, yet only one that tends to yield the results we are seeking. Learning to express your primary feelings and needs, clearly, calmly, with good eye contact is what assertive communication is all about.
Good communication skills are an essential ingredient to anger management because poor communication causes untold emotional hurt, misunderstandings and conflict. Words are powerful, but the message we convey to others is even more powerful and often determines how people respond to us – and how we feel toward them Because communication is a two-way process, people with good communication skills are good at “receiving” messages from others as well as delivering them.
If you look at people in your life and we also look at your own behavior, you may discover certain patterns of communication. Some patterns are negative and harmful while others are positive and productive.
Frequently persons who have anger problems use harmful ways of communicating to others – harmful in the sense that it disrupts relationships and usually does not accomplish the goals that you intended.
Assertive communication, on the other hand, is a much more effective way to get what you want and what you need without the negative consequences. In short, the development of assertive communication skills will works for you by making you a more effective and less stressed person.
What is assertive communication? Is is a way to communicate so that you convey your rights in a good way. Assertive communication helps people clearly explain their wants, needs, and feelings to other people. It is a way of getting things that you want without violating or offending others’ rights or having to walk away without getting what you want. Assertive people tell others what they want and need clearly; they have a knack of saying the correct thing at the correct time.Assertive communication skills are the antidote to harmful, destructive communication patterns.
The AJ Novick Group is a leading provider of Anger Management classes and training and online anger management classes. Ari Novick, Ph.D. is the co-author of “Anger management for the Twenty-first Century” and a leading provider of anger management in southern California. For more information contact Dr. Novick at or [email protected]
Thursday, March 04, 2010
VH1 Reality show Chooses AJ Novick Group, Inc. as Anger Management Resource
Monday, March 01, 2010
Renown Anger Management Provider Approved By California State Board of Corrections
They were approved again due to their involvement with the Standard Corrections Authority and their model of intervention being evaluated by corrections staff and personnel. There are very few models of anger management intervention chosen by the state of California for employee training, and we are honored to be part of this important provider list.
Century Anger Management and AJ Novick Group provide Professional Anger Management Certification Training to those interested in teaching anger management classes or programs. For information on getting certified in the Century Anger Management model of intervention, please visit our website at Century Anger Management.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Anger Class Online- The Most Widely Accepted Online Anger Management Program in the Nation
While Anger Management isn't new, the concept of taking an educational class via a distance learning format is. Distance learning is gaining momentum as one of the most viable ways of learning skills and gaining competency in a particular topic.
For those that can not attend a physical anger management class locally or for those that would prefer a quality online class, Anger Class Online is the solution.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.
Anger Management
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Learn Emotional Intelligence in Anger Management Classes
Unlike our "IQ", which is based on genetics and essentially does not change, our emotionally intelligence can. Skills in empathy and emotionalintelligence can help increase ones ability to connect better with others and reduce conflict.
People with high degrees of emotional intelligence tend to do the following:
1. Are extremely self-aware
2. Are conscious of other peoples feelings
3. Are straightforward and assertive
4. Can balance personal and work commitments well
5. Can easliy put other people at ease
6. Connect with others by identifying and relating to their experiences
While some researches believe that high EQ is innate, most agree that emotional intelligence can be learned. An excellent way to gain skills in emotional intelligence is to take an anger management class which specifically addresses this topic. While anger management is often stigmatized as punitive, quality and professionally trained anger management professionals will make the learning experience nothing but exceptional. These skills can be taught in a live setting or even in a well known and respected online anger management class
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
How to tell if YOU have an anger management problem

1. Do you feel angry much of the time or do other view you as angry much of the time each day
2. Has your anger gotten in the way of you doing normal activities?
3. Has your anger effected your ability to maintain a relationship in your personal life?
4. Has your anger effected your ability to maintain a relationship in your occupation?
5. Does your anger last longer that would seem normal or reasonable?
6. Do you lack good judgment or impulse control when you do get upset?
7. Is your anger so intense that it either scares you or others?
If your answered "yes" to many of these questions, it might be a good idea to have a visit with an anger management expert or consider taking an anger management class or online anger management class. These programs will help address these above issues as well as teach the participants tangible skills for better managing and controlling their anger. Don't let anger ruin another day for yourself or have it adversely effect the ones you love in your life. Get the help you need today.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Anger Class Online® offers solution to Individuals and Employers for Anger Management
Anger Class Online® is the trusted name for online anger management class education. “Our courses have been reviewed by countless court and legal staff as well as both large and small corporations”, says Dr. Ari Novick, President. “The continued feedback and consensus is that our programs are highly regarded as the most comprehensive and professional of any online anger management program in the country”, adds Novick.
Their company offers several online anger management class programs for both the general public as well as H.R. staff seeking to provide classes for larger groups of employees. The courses are extremely convenient because they can be taken from any location in the U.S. or abroad with a computer and Internet access. The also can be accessed any time of the day. The classes come with a certificate verification process that can be used by any court official or company official. The curriculum is the same approved program used in the companies live in person classes and all participants are required to interact with Dr. Novick directly.
If attending a physical program is impossibility due to a problematic work schedule or other related family commitments, Anger Class Online offers the solution for individuals or employers.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.- Anger Management
949 715-2694
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Anger Management Classes: Learning Assertive Communication to Resolve Conflict
My hope is that through this article the reader can better understand the difference between less effective forms of communication and truly assertive communication. In general there are about 5 or 6 common styles of communication. These include, passive or avoident communication, criticism, passive-aggression, aggressive/hostile communication, contemptuous communication and assertive communication.
Passive communication is style that emotionally cuts oneself off from the other person. The communicator tends to change topic or ignores the other person, or simply starts doing something else instead of addressing the issue. Sound familiar?
Criticism involves making statements that encompass the totality of the other person. They make statements that use words like "never, always, must be, should" rather than being specific about a problem. Critical statements lead to defensiveness in the other person and often turn into arguments. Know anyone like this?
Passive-aggression comes in two flavors. Either the use of a lot of sarcasm or pretending like everything is OK, but then doing something that is not nice. An example of passive-aggression would be not calling when you running late simply because your mad at the other person and then denying it when they bring it up. Is this you?
Aggressive-Hostile communication is the use of foul language, physical force, slamming doors or throwing objects, or violating someones personal space, yelling, or using a negative tone. This style attempts to manipulate the other person into submitting to ones own viewpoint or idea. It can cause significant problems in relationships. Ever used this style?
Contempt. This is a style where you have lost all respect for the other person and end up calling them names, denying their feelings, insulting them to the point of emotional damage, humiliation, etc. This is often the final stage of a bad relationship. Is this you?
Assertive communication uses appropriate body language, tone, hand and arm movements and congruent facial expressions to what is being said. The assertive communicator uses "I" messages to express their feeling and needs. An example of this would be:
I feel hurt and disappointed, when you're running late and don't call because it makes me worry about you. I need you to call me if your going to be late, OK?
By learning to communicate more assertively, one can expect a more predictably favorable outcome of many conversations and feel much better.
These skills can be taught in a quality in person anger management class or a trusted online anger management class.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Anger Class Online® Provides Financial Relief
Anger Class Online® has been the trusted name in online anger management class education since 2006. These online anger management classes are the most reliable, user-friendly and comprehensive courses available on the Internet. As a token of our appreciation and in an effort to continue to help those in need of our classes we will be offering a $20 discount coupon / offer code which can be used for any product we offer for the next 30 days.
Simply enter ACO2010 in the registration form in the section called "offer code". Anger Class Online® provides a variety of anger management class programs including 8, 12, 16, 26, 36 and 52 hour programs. They also offer specialized courses for HR managers to assign to employees and well as anger management classes online for parents.
These classes are an ideal resource to learn skills to help improve interpersonal relationships, better manage stress, improve skills in empathy and communication as well as expectation management, judgment and impulse control and much more.
Where you need a class or know you someone who needs a class for a court or legal requirement or simply for personal growth this is an excellent opportunity to register.
For more information, visit Anger Class Online®
AJ Novick Group, Inc. - Anger Management Classes