Thursday, December 04, 2008

Anger Management for the Holiday Blues

While the holidays are often a source of great joy and happiness for many people, they can also bring up feelings of hurt, sadness, depression and anger. Holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, New Years, etc often are triggers for individuals that associate these occasions with something tragic or painful in their lives. While many people say the holidays are exciting and fun others experience them as lonely and sad and can often turn this emotion into anger. It is easy around the holiday season to blame others for how we feel and/or behave.

The holiday season is also associated with change. As we move closer to moving into a new year, why not start off by learning some new skills to improve your relationships and your life. Anger Management Classes would be a great start! For our readers that are not near a local qualified provider, consider taking one of our high quality online anger management classes

For a small investment, you can learn skills which can help with communication, listening, empathy, stress management, forgiveness, expectation management, improving judgment and impulse control and much more.

Another great option would be to participate in an anger management workshop. These are intensive classes that last around 4 hours. They are a wonderful way to get exposed to the basics of anger management.

Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group- Anger Management Classes

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